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The birds in Hatto Furusato no Mori

キセキレイ Gray wagtail

From early spring to summer, She will welcome everyone on the roof of the main building in the Hatto Furusato no Mori.


シジュウカラ Japanese tit


Perching on tall trees, they repeatedly chirp "tsu-pi tsu-pi" or "tsi-pi tsi-pi tsi-pi" several times. They are being studied for their linguistic abilities, which include the capability to warn their peers by changing combinations of their calls.


コガラ Willow tit

頭は黒色で、「鍋かむり」と呼ばれることもあります。さえずりは高い声で「チーツーチー チーツーチー」を繰り返します。

The head is black and sometimes referred to as "nabe-kamuri" (pot lid). Its chirp consists of high-pitched repetitions of "chi-tsuu-chii chi-tsuu-chii."


カケス Eurasian Jay


The hoarse cry of "jay, jay" likely inspired the English name "Jay" for this bird. Additionally, they are skilled mimics of other birds' calls and various sounds, sometimes even reproducing the sounds of forestry activities like chainsaws, branch cutting, and the noise of trees being felled. If you hear a noisy voice in the forest, it's probably this bird.


オオルリ Blue-and-white Flycatcher


You can see them in the park in early spring. They stand out with their striking contrast of dark blue backs and white bellies. In 2023, they nested within the park.


ヒガラ Coal Tit

シジュウカラの仲間としては日本で最小。頬が白いことと喉の三角形の黒斑が特徴です。「ツピン ツピン・・・」とか、「チペ チペ チペ・・・」 とか高い声で、早口で繰り返し、さえずります。

As the smallest member of the tit family in Japan, it is characterized by white cheeks and a triangular black patch on its throat. Its chirps consist of high-pitched, rapid repetitions such as "tsupin tsupin..." or "chipe chipe chipe..."


​ツツドリ Oriental Cuckoo

ホトトギスの仲間で「ポポッ ポポッ」と鼓を打つような声で鳴き、紙筒の口を叩く音に似ているとして、筒鳥と呼ばれています。

The bird known as the Toad lily, a member of which is noted for its call resembling the sound of a drumbeat with "popo popo," is referred to as the tsuchidori, or "tube bird," due to the sound it makes striking the mouth of a paper cylinder.


​オオアカゲラ Great Spotted Woodpecker


In spring, it creates a loud "tarararara..." sound by consecutively striking dead trees. You can often spot them at Furumori from early April to early May before the park opens.


コノハズク Scops owl

コノハズクも八東ふる里の森の名物です。園内に設置した巣箱に複数のつがいが毎年営巣します。 7月初めから中旬にかけて巣箱のライトアップを行っています。鳴き声は「ブッポウソウ」声のブッポウソウと呼ばれています。

The Scops Owl is also a specialty of Hatto Furusato no Mori. Several pairs nest each year in nesting boxes installed within the park. From early to mid-July, the nesting boxes are illuminated. Their call is known as "buppo-usou"


​ミソサザイ Brown-eared Bulbul


It's one of Japan's smallest birds, yet it's famous for its loud and prolonged singing, which seems surprising given its small size. It often appears in front of the administrative building terrace.


アカショウビン Ruddy Kingfisher

八東ふる里の森に訪れる皆様の一番人気がアカショウビンです。 5月始めに飛来して園内や周辺で繁殖します。 朝4:00から6:00、日暮れにかけてよく園内で鳴きます。

The most popular bird for visitors to Hatto Furusato no Mori is the Ruddy Kingfisher. They arrive around early May and breed within the park and its surroundings. They are often heard singing within the park from 4:00 to 6:00 in the morning and during dusk.

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オオコノハズク Sunda Scops-owl


Alongside the Scops Owl, another popular bird at Yato Furusato no Mori is the Ural Owl . The Ural Owl also nests in the park's nesting boxes. It is a carnivorous bird that preys on mice, flying squirrels,  From mid to late June, there is illumination to observe them, and their feeding behavior is quite impressive.


アオバズク Blue owl


The Northern Hawk Owl, with its striking yellow eyes, is often spotted during the day, especially when the chicks hatch and the parent birds watch over the nest. Over the past few years, they have been nesting in nesting boxes designated for tSunda Scops-owl within the park.


サンコウチョウ Paradise flycatcher


The Paradise flycatcher, known for its long tail, nests in cedar forests located about 5 kilometers downhill from Hatto Furusato no Mori, where it prefers cedar forests. Occasionally, its distinctive call of "hoi hoi" can be heard within the park.


アオゲラ Blue woodpecker

「ピョー ピョー ピョー ピョー」と大きな声まるで口笛のような鳴き声をする日本にだけ暮らすキツツキです。

The woodpecker, found only in Japan, makes a loud chirping sound like a whistle: 'pyo pyo pyo pyo'.


ミゾゴイ Japanese Night Heron


The Japanese Night Heron is classified as Endangered (EN) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and as Endangered II category on the Ministry of the Environment's Red List for 2015. The global population is estimated to be fewer than 1,000 individuals. In Yato Furusato no Mori, nesting was confirmed within the park in 2022. Although nesting was not confirmed in 2023, the birds were still observed within the park.


ジュウイチ Benevolent bird

なかなか姿はみれないのですが、春から夏にかけて「ジュウイチ, 11」という特徴のある鳴き声がよく聞こえます。

You often can't see its appearance, but from spring to summer, you frequently hear a distinctive chirping sound called "juuichi" (No11in Japanese ).


ハチクマ Blue woodpecker

ハチの巣を襲って幼虫を食べる 刺されても平気(?)なタフなクマタカです。絶滅危惧種として位置づけられています。警戒心が強く、人が見えると近づかないためなかなか見れない鳥ですが、ふるもりでは養蜂をしており餌となる蜂の巣があるため、時折観察されます。

The tough and fearless black kite attacks beehives to eat the larvae. Despite being stung, it remains unfazed (?). Classified as an endangered species, it is difficult to spot as it is cautious and keeps its distance from humans. However, in rural areas where beekeeping is common, it is occasionally observed because there are beehives, which serve as its food source.

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